Property left in licensed Carriages to be deposited at Police Station.
XXVI. The Proprietor or Driver of every Carriage licensed under the Provisions of this Act, wherein any Property whatever shall be left by any Person hiring or using the same, shall, within Twenty-four Hours next after the same shall have been so left, restore such Property, in the State in which the same shall have been found, to the Owner thereof, or if the Owner cannot be traced within said District, shall convey the Property to the Office of the said Commissioners, or if found in any Carriage usually employed in conveying Passengers to and from the Stations of the Dublin and Kingstown Railway outside the City of Dublin, thence to the Police Station nearest to the Railway Station at which such Carriage shall take up and set down Passengers, and shall in such Places respectively deposit such Property; and if any Proprietor or Driver shall make any Default herein he shall forfeit a Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings, and such further Sum as shall, in the Judgment of the Justice before whom Complaint shall be made, appear to be a reasonable Compensation for such Property, if the same shall not be restored, and which Compensation shall be recoverable in like Manner as a Penalty under this Act, and be payable to the Owner of the Property detained; and when any such Property shall be found and duly deposited as aforesaid, the Officer receiving the same shall forthwith give an Acknowledgment to the Depositor, and make an Entry and Return thereof, according to the Regulations of the said Commissioners, which they are hereby required to make, for the Custody, Restoration, or Disposal of all such Property; and the Property so deposited shall be returned to the Person who shall prove Ownership to the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners, such Person previously paying all Expenses incurred, together with such Sum to the Person who shall have been actually driving the Carriage, or shall have been employed in or about it, and, having found the Property, shall deposit the same as herein directed, as with reference to the Value of the Property the said Commissioners shall award: Provided always, that if any Property so found and deposited shall not be claimed by some Person proving Ownership as aforesaid within One Year after the Date of Deposit (the Property having been advertised in such Manner as the said Commissioners may direct), such Property shall be, in default of such Claim within the Time so limited, sold or otherwise disposed of, and the Proceeds thereof paid over to the said Receiver, to be carried to the Account of Monies for defraying the Expenses of the Police Establishment of the said District of Dublin Metropolis, after deducting such Sum as the Commissioners may award to the Person who shall have been actually driving the Carriage, or shall have been employed in or about it, and having found the Property shall deposit the same as herein directed: Provided also, that nothing herein shall be deemed to extend to Property found in a Stage Carriage at any Place not within the Limits of this Act.