Dublin Carriage Act, 1853

Compensation for Hurt or Damages.

XXXII. In every Case where any Hurt or Damage shall have been caused by the Negligence, wilful Misbehaviour, or other Misconduct of the Driver of any Carriage or Vehicle of any Kind whatsoever, or of the Person in charge thereof, or in charge of any Horse within the Limits of this Act, every Person so offending shall further pay such a Sum as shall appear to the Justice to be a reasonable Compensation to the Person so aggrieved or injured, and the Evidence of such Person shall be admitted in proof of the Offence: Provided always, if the Person so aggrieved or injured shall have been the only Witness examined in proof of the Offence, such Sum so ordered as Compensation shall be paid and applied in the same Manner as a Penalty, and in default of Payment of such Penalty and of such Compensation, if ordered, together with the Costs attending such Conviction, immediately or within such Time as such Justice shall appoint, such Justice shall and may commit such Offender to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, to be there imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Months, unless such Penalty, together with the Costs and Compensation, if ordered, be sooner paid; and every such Offender shall and may by the Authority of this Act, with or without any Warrant, be apprehended by any Person who shall see such Offence committed, and shall be immediately conveyed or delivered to a Constable, in order to be conveyed before some Justice.