Boundary Survey (Ireland) Act, 1854

Boundary Surveyor to submit Map, &c. to Lord Lieatenant, showing original and altered Boundaries, who may direct that new Boundary shall, for public Purposes, be leemed the Boundary of such County, &c.

XI. In all Cases in which it is proposed to make an Alteration in any Boundary from that heretofore laid down on the Ordnance Plan of any County, whether such Alteration refers to the Boundaries of Counties, Baronies, Parishes, Townlands, or other Denomination, the Boundary Surveyor shall, with all convenient Speed after such Alterations shall have been so fiated, prepare and make out a Report in detail of the proposed Alteration in any of such Boundaries, with the Grounds for making such Alteration, accompanied by a Plan or Plans showing in detail the original Boundaries as laid down on the Ordnance Plans, and those which it is proposed to substitute for them, and shall submit the same to the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, who may, if he or they shall think fit so to do, make Order directing that the new Boundary so marked out by the Boundary Surveyor, or so altered by the Justices on the hearing of such Appeal, (as the Case may be,) or such Portion or Portions of either of such Boundary Lines as such Lord Lieutenant shall think proper, shall for all public Purposes be and bo deemed and taken to be the Boundary of or Portions of the Boundary, as the Case may be, of such County Barony, Parish, Townland, or other Division or Denomination of Land.