Service Pipes to be laid by Owners.
Water to be used only for domestic and ordinary Purposes, unless by Agreement with the Commissioners.
Commissioner may make Byelaws in reference to Water.
LIII. Where the Commissioners are able and willing to supply the Houses or Tenements within the Town with Water for domestic and ordinary Purposes, the Owners of such Houses and Tenements shall be entitled to obtain such Supply by connecting a Service Pipe with the Main Pipes to be laid down by the Commissioners, the Expense of such Service Pipes and of connecting the same with the Main Pipes being defrayed by such Owners; and where the Houses and Tenements generally in any Street or Place within the Town shall be supplied with Water by means of such Service Pipes, it shall be competent to the Commissioners to require the Owner of any Tenement in such Street or Place not so supplied to take a Supply of Water by connecting a Service Pipe with the Main Pipe as aforesaid; and in the event of Refusal or Delay on the Part of such Owner to comply with such Requisition, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to enter upon such Houses or Premises, and proceed to lay down such Service Pipes themselves, and to recover the Expense thereof from such Owner in the same Manner as Damages; and no Person within the Town shall be entitled without, special Agreement with the Commissioners, to use the Water supplied through the Pipes of the Commissioners, except for domestic and ordinary Purposes; but where there is a Supply of Water more than is required for such domestic and ordinary Purposes within the Town, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to contract with any Person or Persons within the Town to supply any Public Baths and Wash-houses, Works, Manufactories, or other Premises within the Town with Water, at such Rate and upon such Terms and Conditions as may be agreed on; or in the event of Disagreement, either as to the Ability of the Commissioners to give the Supply, or as to the Rate, Terms, or Conditions on or in respect of which the Supply is to be given, the same shall be fixed on an Appeal in manner aforesaid (but without any Recognizance) by either of the Parties to the Assistant Barrister, whose Decision shall be final; and when the Main Pipes of the Commissioners have been laid down in any Town or Borough, it shall be lawful for the Owners of and other Persons interested in any House or Tenement situate without the Limits of such Town or Borough, at their own Expense, to lay down Main Pipes and Service Pipes, and to connect the same with the Main Pipes of the said Commissioners, such Connexion to be made under the Superintendence and to the Satisfaction of the Engineer for the Time being to the said Commissioners; and when and so soon as such Connexion shall have been made and completed, the said Commissioners shall supply such House or Tenement with Water for domestic Purposes at a Rate not exceeding that which shall be assessed upon the Houses and Tenements within any such Town or Borough; and it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to make Byelaws regulating all or any Matters and Things whatsoever connected with the Water to be supplied within or without the Town through their Pipes.