Lands to be used as Sites for Institutions &c.
I. Any Person in England, Wales, or Ireland, being seised in Fee Simple, Fee Tail, or for Life of and in any Manor or Lands of Freehold, Copyhold, or Customary Tenure, and having the present beneficial Interest therein, may grant, convey, or enfranchise, by way of Gift, Sale, or Exchange, in Fee Simple or for a Term of Years, any Quantity not exceeding One Acre of such Land, whether built upon or not, as a Site for any such Institution as herein-after described; provided, that no such Grant made by any Person seised only for Life of and in any such Manor or Lands shall be valid, unless, if there be any Person next entitled to the same in Remainder, in Fee Simple or Fee Tail, and if such Person be legally competent, he shall be a Party to and join in such Grant; provided also, that where any Portion of Waste or Commonable Land shall be gratuitously conveyed by any Lord of a Manor for any such Purpose as aforesaid, the Rights of all Commoners and others having Interest of a like Nature in the said Land shall be barred and divested by such Conveyance.