Power to the Treasury to authorize Completion of the Works.
II. The said Commissioners of the Treasury may authorize and direct the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland to cause to be completed the Navigation Works so undertaken as aforesaid, or such of the same Works or such Portions of them or any of them as, upon any Inquiries already made or to be hereafter made under the Directions of the said Commissioners of the Treasury such Commissioners of the Treasury may think fit, and with any Modifications or Alterations which to the said Commissioners of the Treasury may appear expedient; and the said Commissioners of Public Works shall have full Power and Authority to cause to be executed or completed the Works so authorized and directed by the said Commissioners of the Treasury to be completed or executed as aforesaid, and for that Purpose to do and execute all Acts and exercise all Powers and Authorities by the said Acts or this Act given for the Execution of any Work.