In certain Cases where Prosecutor desires to prefer an Indictment Justice to take his Recognizance to prosecute.
II. That where any Charge or Complaint shall be made before any One or more of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace that any Person has committed any of the Offences aforesaid within the Jurisdiction of such Justice, and such Justice shall refuse to commit or to bail the Person charged with such Offence to be tried for the same, then in case the Prosecutor shall desire to prefer an Indictment respecting the said Offence, it shall be lawful for the said Justice and he is hereby required to take the Recognizance of such Prosecutor to prosecute the said Charge or Complaint, and to transmit such Recognizance, Information, and Depositions, if any, to the Court in which such Indictment ought to be preferred, in the same Manner as such Justice would have done in case he had committed the Person charged to be tried for such Offence.