If order of refusal is reversed, Excise officer to renew the licence.
2. In case upon the hearing of any appeal from the refusal of a certificate of the justices at petty sessions, or the divisional justices, as the case may be, the justices at quarter sessions, or the recorder, as the case may be, shall reverse the said order, then and in such cases the justices at quarter sessions, or the recorder, as the case may be, shall declare the appellant entitled to obtain a renewal of his licence; and thereupon the proper officer of Excise in Ireland shall grant to the appellant a renewal of his licence, without requiring any certificate from two or more justices of the peace, or from a divisional justice, as the case may be, on the production to such officer of Excise of a certificate from the clerk of the peace (for which certificate the clerk of the peace may charge a sum of two shillings and sixpence), certifying that the order of refusal had been reversed, and that the court had declared the appellant entitled to a renewal of his licence.