Civil bill process to state amount of rent claimed.
Stay of proceedings on payment or tender.
60. Every . . . civil bill process in ejectment in the court of the chairman, for nonpayment of rent, shall contain or have endorsed thereon a statement of the amount claimed to be due by the landlord for rent after all just and fair allowances up to the time of bringing of such ejectment and the times at which such rent accrued due, and that if the amouut thereof, together with a sum for costs, not exceeding . . . ten shillings, be paid to the plaintiff or his attorney or known agent or receiver within ten days from the service of such . . . process, all further proceedings will be stayed; and upon payment or tender within the time so mentioned of the sum so claimed, and costs, to the plaintiff or his attorney or known agent or receiver, all further proceedings in respect of the rent then claimed shall cease and be stayed accordingly.