Public ActsAchtanna Poiblí
NumberUimhir | Hyperlinked VersionLeagan Hipearnaisc | |
15 | College of Physicans (Ireland) Act, 1862 | |
19 | General Pier and Harbour Act, 1861 Amendment Act, 1862 | |
22 | Revenue Act, 1862 | |
29 | Landed Property Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1862 | |
37 | Crown Private Estates Act 1862 | |
38 | Sale of Spirits Act, 1862 | |
50 | Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1862 | |
69 | Harbours Transfer Act, 1862 | |
83 | Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1862 | |
89 | Companies Act, 1862 |