Drainage and Improvement of Lands Supplemental Act, Ireland 1864

Nothing in 26 & 27 Vict, c. 88. construed to render legal Works that would have been illegal if Act had not passed.

2. It is hereby declared, That, as against any Person owning or interested in any Land or other Property situate beyond the Limits of the Jurisdiction of the Board established by this Act, nothing contained in the said Drainage and Improvement of Lands Act (Ireland), 1863, or in the said Provisional Order, or in this Act, shall be construed to render legal any Work executed or to be executed by such Board that would, if the said Acts had not been passed, have been illegal by reason of its injuriously affecting such. Land of Property; and any Damages adjudged to be paid by the said Board to any Person as aforesaid shall he deemed to be Part of the Costs incurred by such Board in defending legal Proceedings instituted against them, and shall be defrayed in manner in which the said Costs are authorized to be defrayed by “The Drainage and Improvement of Lands Act (Ireland), 1863.”