Application to Board of Trade of Sect. 5. of 16 & 17 Vict, c. 56.
11. The Provisions of Section Five of the Act of the Session of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Years of Her Majesty’s Reign (Chapter Fifty-six), “to facilitate the Redemption of certain Charges on the Hereditary Possessions and Land Revenues of the Crown, and to make other Provisions in regard to the Management of such Hereditary Possessions and Land Revenues,” as amended by this Act, shall extend and apply to the Board of Trade, their Deeds, Acts, Proceedings, Officers, and Servants, under this Act, as if that Section were here repeated, with the Substitution therein of the Board of Trade for the Commissioners of Woods,—save that such Consent of any Authority as is in any Case required by that Section shall not be requisite under this Act.