School of Physic (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1867

Regulations respecting lectures.

5. . . . it shall be lawful for the president and fellows of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, in the case of the King’s professors, and for the provost (or in his absence the vice provost) and senior fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, in the case of the University professors, each college with the assent of the other, to make regulations respecting the lectures to be given by its own professors: Provided always, that if either the president and fellows of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, or the provost (or in his absence the vice provost) and senior fellows of Trinity College, shall refuse to agree to the regulations proposed by the other college, in such case the regulations so proposed shall be submitted to the visitors of the college which refuses to agree to them; and it shall be lawful for such visitors, and they are hereby required, upon hearing such reasons as may be offered on both sides, to determine whether the regulations submitted to them shall or shall not be adopted; and the decision of such visitors in any such case shall be final and conclusive.