Conditions and regulations for light railways.
Penalties for non compliance or contravention.
28. A light railway shall be constructed and worked subject to such conditions and regulations as the Board of Trade may from time to time impose or make: Provided, that (1) the regulations respecting the weight of locomotive engines, carriages, and vehicles to be used on such railway shall not authorize a greater weight than eight tons to be brought upon the rails by any one pair of wheels; (2) the regulations respecting the speed of trains shall not authorize a rate of speed exceeding at any time twenty-five miles an hour.
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If the company or any person fails to comply with or acts in contravention of such conditions and regulations, or directs any one so to fail or act, such company and person shall respectively, be liable to a penalty for each offence not exceeding twenty pounds, and to a like penalty for every day during which the offence continues; and every such person, on conviction on indictment for any offence relating to the weight of engines, carriages, or vehicles, or the speed of trains, shall be also liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two years.