Where advances made by Commissioners of Public Works to district drainage boards, the said commissioners may make an award, setting forth land drained, money expended, &c.
2. In case any such loan or advance shall have been or shall be made to any drainage board of any district by the Commissioners of Public Works as aforesaid, and the monies expended on the drainage and improvement of such district shall have consisted or shall consist entirely of public monies so lent or advanced, then and in such case it shall be lawful for the said commissioners if they in their discretion shall think fit, on the completion of the works in the district within the period mentioned in the order of the commissioners, or within such further period as the commissioners may have appointed for the completion of the said works, or in case the works in any district shall not be completed within either of the periods aforesaid, then at such time as the commissioners shall think proper, to make an award, which shall describe in general terms, and by reference to maps and schedules, or otherwise as the commissioners shall think proper, the land or river drained or improved, and the works which shall have been completed, or so far as the same shall have been completed, and such award shall also specify the several quantities belonging to the reputed proprietors respectively of such land so drained or improved as aforesaid, and the original value, and the increase of the value of the land so drained or improved; and such award shall also specify the amount of the sums which shall have been expended upon and about the works which shall have been so executed for drainage or improvements by drainage, and which shall have been so advanced by the commissioners, and all other expenses incurred by the said commissioners about the same and interest on the same at the rate of four pounds per cent, per annum from the date of such advance or of such expenditure as aforesaid, up to and including the next preceding fifth day of April or tenth day of October, whichever of said gale days shall have happened next before the date of the said award, and such consolidated sum of principal and interest shall by such award be apportioned amongst the respective proprietors in such district and on their lands respectively, and such award shall specify the respective amounts of the gross sums of money and the rentcharges payable in respect of such loan, interest, and expenses as aforesaid, which shall be charged upon the said several parcels or portions of land as aforesaid, regard being had to the degree of benefit conferred or expected to be conferred upon the said several lands by the said several works within the said district. And the said commissioners may insert in every such award all such other determinations, matters, and things as they shall think necessary and proper, and the said commissioners shall also specify in every such award the proportions in which the land drained and improved as aforesaid; and the proprietors of such lands in respect thereof respectively for the time being shall in future be annually charged towards the costs and expenses which may from time to time be incurred in or about the maintaining, cleansing, and keeping in repair the several watercourses, sluices, drains, ditches, cuts, rivers, lakes, streams, tunnels, culverts, banks, bridges, outlets, weirs, embankments, fences, and other works executed under this Act, and shall also specify, according to such proportions as aforesaid, the rate which shall be payable towards such costs and expenses as last aforesaid, for the year next ensuing the date of such award, and the like proceedings in all respects shall be had with regard to the said award as are directed of and concerning the award to be made under the first recited Act, and called “the district apportionment of expenses award.”