Such lands to be charged with annual rentcharge to Her Majesty.
4. The several lands mentioned in any such award (as last aforesaid) shall, from the date of such award, become charged with the payment to Her Majesty of an annual rentcharge of six pounds ten shillings for every one hundred pounds charged on the said lands respectively, and so in proportion for any lesser amount, to be payable for the term of twenty-two years, to be computed from the fifth day of April or tenth day of October, whichever shall next precede the making of such award, such rentcharge to be paid by equal half-yearly payments on the fifth day of April and tenth day of October in every year, the first of such payments to be made on the first of such days which shall happen after the date of such award: Provided always, that where the gross sum chargeable upon any particular parcel or denomination of lands in respect of any such advance of public monies shall not exceed the sum of one hundred pounds, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Public Works by their said award to fix and determine the instalments by which such sum, together with interest at the rate of four pounds per centum per annum from the date of such award, shall, be repaid, and such instalments shall be charged and recovered in like manner as the rentcharge aforesaid.