Drainage and Improvement of Lands Amendment Act, Ireland, 1869

Commissioners to settle contributions in respect of proceedings under ss. 73. 74, and 75 of 28 & 29 Vict, c. 52.

6. The said commissioners in all proceedings under the said seventy-third, seventy-fourth, and seventy-fifth sections of the said “Drainage and Improvement of Lands Act (Ireland), 1863,” may, if they shall so think fit, declare by their certificate that the amount of the expenses of works mentioned therein and to be paid by any county or in equal moieties by any two counties shall be paid either by such county at large or in equal moieties by such counties at large respectively, or that the amount to be paid by such county or each of such counties as aforesaid shall be contributed by any barony or baronies, half barony or half baronies within the same in such proportions as the commissioners may think fit, having regard to the benefits which in their judgment are likely to be derived by such barony or baronies, half barony or half baronies respectively by reason of the execution of the said works, and the amount mentioned in any such certificate shall be presented by such grand jury or grand juries as the case may be, to be levied off such county or counties, baronies or half baronies, according to the tenor of such certificate, and in case any grand jury of any county shall fail or refuse to present the sum mentioned in any such certificate according to the effect thereof, the court shall make an order directing the treasurer of such county to insert such sum in his warrant, to be levied off such county, or barony or baronies, half barony or half baronies thereof, as the case may be, and as if the same had been duly presented by such grand jury, and the same shall be levied accordingly.