Memorial of grand jury for delay of repayment of advances from Public Works Commissioners.
1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 33.
1. Whenever any grand jury shall have obtained or shall obtain from the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland any advance of public monies for the purpose of any public works, and shall desire that the time for repayment of that advance shall be enlarged beyond the period by the said Act provided, the secretary of such grand jury shall cause a memorial to be submitted to the said Commissioners of Public Works, setting forth the nature and particulars of such work, and the estimated expenses thereof, and the circumstances of the case, and requesting that any advance made by the said Commissioners for the purposes of the same may be repaid by half-yearly instalments of not less than five pounds per centum per annum of the money to be advanced; and thereupon, and upon such further inquiry as the said Commissioners may desire to be made, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Commissioners of Public Works, by writing under the hand of their secretary for the time being, with the sanction of the Treasury, to certify at what rate, not being less than five pounds per centum, the several instalments in respect of such advances shall be presented, and the rate of interest to be paid therefor, and also the amount of the expenses which may have been incurred by the said Commissioners in the inquiry aforesaid; and thereupon it shall and may be lawful to and for any grand jury of a county, county of a city, or county of a town, at any assizes, or if in the county of Dublin, in any presenting term, in making any presentment under and by virtue of the aforesaid provisions of the said Act, as amended by this Act, to set forth in such presentment that the sum or sums of money to be advanced by the said Commissioners shall be raised and levied by such instalments as shall have been so certified by the said Commissioners in manner as aforesaid, and likewise to include in such presentment, in addition to all sums mentioned in the said Act in that behalf, a sufficient sum to defray the expenses attendant on any such inquiry so made at the desire of the said Commissioners; and this section of this Act shall be incorporated and read together with the said twenty-third section of the Public Works (Ireland) Act, 1831.