Licensing Act, 1872

No renewal of license to be granted to spirit grocers without certificate of justices.

27 & 28 Vict. c. 35. 34 & 35 Vict. c. 111.

82. It shall not be lawful for any officer of excise in Ireland to grant a new excise license to any person who at any time during the then next preceding two years has been a spirit grocer, or who during such period as aforesaid has held a certificate under the Beerhouses (Ireland) Act, 1864, or the Beerhouses (Ireland) Act (1864) Amendment Act, 1871, or to grant to any spirit grocer upon the expiration of his excise license a renewal of such excise license, unless such person or spirit grocer produces a certificate signed by two or more justices of the peace presiding at the petty sessions of the district in which such person or spirit grocer resides, or if in the Dublin metropolitan police district by a divisional justice of the district in which such person or spirit grocer resides, to the good character of such person, and to the peaceable and orderly manner in which his business was conducted during the year next preceding the expiration of his former excise license or certificate, or, in case of a renewal, during the past year.

All applications for such certificates shall be made in the manner and subject to the like conditions as to appeals against the same and otherwise (so far as the same are applicable) as are prescribed by the Beerhouses (Ireland) Act, 1864, in relation to applications for certificates under the said Act.