Licensing Act (Ireland) 1874

Payment of fees in petty sessions district.

21 & 22 Vict. c. 100.

19. All fees under this Act payable in any petty sessions district shall not be received in money, but by stamps denoting the amount of the fees payable.

Every exemption order under this Act and every certificate given in any petty sessions district upon which a fee is by this Act made payable shall be printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, upon paper bearing a stamp denoting the amount of such fee.

All the provisions of the Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858, with respect to the documents enumerated in the Schedule C. to the said Act annexed, and to the payment of the fees in respect thereof, and to the stamps denoting the amount of such fees, and to the payment of fees, and to stamps, and the providing of and supply of the same, and the payment and accounting for the same, and enforcing the payment thereof, and generally with respect to all matters relating thereto, shall extend and be applicable with respect to all exemption orders under this Act and certificates given in petty sessions district upon which fees are by this Act made payable, and to all fees and stamps under this Act, in like manner in every respect as if such exemption orders, certificates, fees, and stamps were included amongst the documents, fees, and stamps mentioned in the said Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858.

Record of Convictions and Penalties.