Licensing Act (Ireland) 1874

Record of convictions on licenses.

21. Where any licensed person or spirit grocer is convicted of any offence against the principal Act which by such Act was to have been or might have been endorsed upon the license or excise license, or of any offence against this Act, the court before whom the offender is brought shall cause the register of licenses in which the license or excise license of the offender is entered or a copy of the entries therein relating to the license or excise license of the offender, certified in manner prescribed by this Act, to be produced to the court before passing sentence; and after inspecting the entries therein in relation to the license or excise license of the offender, or such copy thereof as aforesaid, the court shall declare, as part of its sentence, whether it will or will not cause the conviction for such offence to be recorded on the license or excise license of the offender, and if it decide that such record is to be made, the same shall be made accordingly.

A declaration by the court that a record of an offence is to be made on a license or excise license shall be deemed to be part of the conviction or order of the court in reference to such offence, and shall be subject accordingly to the jurisdiction of the court of appeal.

A direction by the court that a conviction for an offence is to be recorded on the license or excise license of the offender shall, for the purposes of the principal Act, be deemed equivalent to a direction or requirement by the Act that such conviction is to be recorded; and all the provisions of the principal Act importing that convictions are required or directed by the Act to be recorded on the license or excise license of an offender shall be construed accordingly.