Conveyance to and deposit in Queen's warehouse of goods in certain case:
73. If the importer of any goods shall not, within fourteen days (exclusive of Sundays and holidays) after the arrival of the ship importing the same, make perfect entry or entry by bill of sight of such goods, or if, having made such entry, he shall not land such goods within such fourteen days or within such further period as the Commissioners of Customs shall direct, the officers of the Customs may convey such goods to the Queen's warehouse; and whenever the cargo of any ship shall have been discharged within such fourteen days with the exception only of a small quantity of goods, the officers of the Customs may forthwith deposit such remaining goods in the Queen's warehouse; and also at any time after the arrival of such ship may deposit any small packages or parcels of goods therefrom in the Queen's warehouse, there to remain for due entry during the remainder of such fourteen days, except as herein-after mentioned; and if any goods so deposited in the Queen's warehouse being of a perishable nature shall not be cleared forthwith, or not being of a perishable nature shall not be cleared within three months after such deposit, or within such further period as the Commissioners may direct, and all charges of removal, freight, and warehouse rent be not paid, such goods may be sold, and the produce thereof paid in discharge of duties, freight, and charges, and the overplus, if any, to the proprietor of the goods on his application for the same; and in case such goods cannot be sold for a sufficient sum to pay the duties and charges, if ordered for sale for home consumption or the charges if for exportation, the same may, by direction of the Commissioners of Customs, be destroyed; and any officer of Customs having the custody of any goods which shall have come to his hands under the Customs Acts, may refuse delivery thereof from the Queen's warehouse or other place of deposit until proof be given to his satisfaction that the freight due upon such goods has been paid: Provided, that if the importing ship and goods be liable to the performance of quarantine the time for entry and landing of such goods shall be computed from the time at which such ship and goods shall have been released from quarantine.