Money for lands of incapacitated persons to be paid into Bank of England.
22 & 23 Vict. c. 21.
276. In all cases where any money shall have been or shall be agreed, or shall have been or shall be found by the verdict of any jury, to be paid for the use or possession of lands or hereditaments taken by virtue of the Customs Acts belonging to any persons under any disability or incapacity, or not having the absolute interest therein, the same shall be paid by warrant of the Treasury into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the Paymaster-General on behalf of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, to be placed to his account there in the matter of the particular Act to the credit of the persons claiming to be interested therein, naming them pursuant to the method prescribed by any Act in force for the time being for regulating the payment of money into court; and immediately upon the filing in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice of the certificate of such Paymaster-General, with the receipt annexed of the payment into his name as aforesaid of any such money, in conformity with the eighth section of the Queen's Remembrancer Act, 1859, the said lands or hereditaments shall be vested in or to the use of Her Majesty.