Punishment of certain offenders as as though offence committed in India.
1. If any person, being a subject of Her Majesty or of any Prince or State in India in alliance with Her Majesty, shall, upon the High Seas or in any part of Asia or Africa which Her Majesty may from time to time think fit to specify by any order in Council in this behalf, commit any of the offences defined in sections 367, 370, and 371 (in the schedule to this Act respectively recited) of Act 45 of 1860, passed by the Governor General of India in Council and called “The Indian Penal Code,” or abet within the meaning of the fifth chapter of the said Penal Code, the commission of any such offence, such person shall be dealt with, in respect of such offence or abetment, as if the same had been committed in any place within British India in which he may be or may be found.