Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878

Saving of certain rights to bury in vaults.

19 & 20 Vict. c. 98.

168. Notwithstanding any such order as aforesaid where, by usage or otherwise, there is at the time of the passing of this Act any usage or right of interment in or under any church or chapel affected by such order, or in any vault of any such church or chapel, or of any church yard or burial ground affected by such order, and where any exclusive right of interment in any such burial ground has been purchased or acquired before the passing of the Burial Grounds (Ireland) Act, 1856, it shall be lawful for the Local Government Board, from time to time, on application being made to it, and on being satisfied that the exercise of such right is not injurious to health, to grant a license for the exercise of such right, during such time and subject to such conditions and restrictions as the said board may think fit; but such license shall not prejudice or in any way affect the authority of any person who if this Act had not been passed might have prohibited or controlled interment under such right, nor dispense with any consent which would have been required under such right, nor otherwise give to such right any greater force or effect than the same would have had if this Act had not been passed.