Establishment of Board.
2. A Board shall be established, to be called “The Inter-“mediate Education Board for Ireland” (in this Act referred to as “the Board”). The Board shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, and shall hold office during his pleasure.
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If any vacancy occurs in the office of any member of the Board by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Lord Lieutenant may appoint some other fit person to fill the vacancy.
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The Board shall at their first meeting in every year appoint one member of the Board to be chairman, and another member to be vice-chairman, who shall continue in office for one year.
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If any casual vacancy occurs in the office of chairman or vice-chairman the Board shall, at a special meeting to be held not sooner than one month after the occurrence of such vacancy, choose some member of the Board to fill such vacancy, and the chairman or vice-chairman so elected shall continue in office so long only as the person in whose place he is so elected would have been entitled to continue if such vacancy had not occurred.
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The Board shall be a body corporate, and shall have a common seal.
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Three members of the Board shall form a quorum.