Marking of vessels and rooms and positions of vessels.
21. (1.) Every brewer for sale must cause to be legibly painted with oil colour, and keep so painted, on some conspicuous part of every mash tun, underback, wort receiver, copper, heating tank, cooler, and collecting and fermenting vessel, intended to be used by him in his business, and of the outside of the door of every room and place wherein any part of his business is to be carried on, the name of the vessel, room, or place, according to the purpose for which it is intended.
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(2.) When more than one vessel, room, or place is used for the same purpose, all such vessels, rooms, or places must be marked by progressive numbers.
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(3.) All mash tuns, underbacks, wort receivers, coppers, heating tanks, coolers, and collecting and fermenting vessels, shall be so placed and fixed as to admit of the contents being accurately ascertained by gauge or measure, and shall not be altered in shape, position, or capacity without two days previous notice in writing to the proper officer.