Revenue Act, 1884


Amendment of Law relating to the Customs.

Vessels with inward cargo for more than one port may convey certain goods coastwise.

2. (1.) Notwithstanding any provisions in the Customs Acts to the contrary it shall be lawful, on the arrival from parts beyond the seas of any ship, having on board cargo intended to be delivered at more than one port in the United Kingdom, to permit such ship to convey goods . . . from any port a which such ship shall partially discharge her cargo to her or ports of destination in the United Kingdom for delivery there upon the complete separation of such goods from the inwar cargo still on board being effected to the satisfaction of the collector or other proper officer at the port. Provided that such conveyance of goods from one port to another shall not constitute the ship a coasting ship within the meaning of the Customs Acts. The lading, unlading, and conveyance of goods under the section shall be subject to such regulations as the Commissioner of Customs may from time to time prescribe, and in case an goods shall be laden, unladen, conveyed, or dealt with contrary to such regulations, the goods shall be forfeited and the master of the ship shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds.

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