Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899

Power for Board of Agriculture to make regulations as to analysis of milk, cream, butter, or cheese.

4.[1] (1) The Board of Agriculture may, after such inquiry as they deem necessary, make regulations for determining what deficiency in any of the normal constituents of genuine milk, cream, butter, or cheese, or what addition of extraneous matter or proportion of water, in any sample of milk (including condensed milk), cream, butter, or cheese, shall for the purposes of the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts raise a presumption, until the contrary is proved, that the milk, cream, butter, or cheese is not genuine or is injurious to health, and an analyst shall have regard to such regulations in certifying the result of an analysis under those Acts.

(2) Any regulations made under this section shall be notified in the London and Edinburgh Gazettes, and shall also be made known in such other manner as the Board of Agriculture may direct.

[1 Power of making regulations extended to regulations as to milk-solids in butter by 7 Edw. 7. c. 21, s. 6.]