Power to require dairymen to furnish list of sources of supply.
53.—(1) If the medical officer certifies to the local authority that any person in the district is suffering from infectious disease which the medical officer has reason to suspect is attributable to milk supplied within the district, the local authority may require the dairyman supplying the milk to furnish to the medical officer within a reasonable time fixed by them a complete list of all the farms, dairies, or places from which his supply of milk is derived or has been derived during the last six weeks, and, if the supply, or any part of it, is obtained through any other dairyman, may make a similar requisition upon that dairyman.
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(2) The local authority shall pay to the dairyman for every list furnished by him under this section the sum of sixpence, and, if the list contains not less than twenty-five names, a further sum of sixpence for every twenty-five names contained in the list.
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(3) Every dairyman shall comply with the requisition of the local authority under this section, and, if he fails to do so, shall be liable in respect of each offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and a daily penalty not exceeding forty shillings.