Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907

Infected clothes not to be sent to laundry.

55.(1) A person shall not take or send to any public washhouse or to any laundry, for the purpose of being washed, any bedding, clothes, or other things which he knows to have been exposed to infection from any infectious disease, unless they have been disinfected by or to the satisfaction of the local authority or their medical officer, or of a legally qualified medical practitioner, or are sent to a laundry with proper precautions for the purpose of disinfection, with notice that they have been exposed to infection.

(2) If any person acts in contravention of the foregoing provision of this section he shall be liable in respect of each offence to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings.

(3) The local authority may, on the application of any person, pay the expenses of the disinfection of any such bedding, clothes, or other things, if carried out by them or under their direction.