Pilotage Act, 1913

Appeal by pilot, master, or mate, against action of pilotage authority with respect to pilot’s licence or pilotage certificate.

27.(1) If a complaint is made to the Board of Trade that a pilotage authority have—

(a) without reasonable cause refused or failed to examine any candidate for a pilot’s licence, or a master or mate for a pilotage certificate, or to grant such a licence or certificate after examination; or

(b) conducted any examination for a pilot’s licence or a pilotage certificate improperly or unfairly; or

(c) imposed conditions on the granting of a pilot’s licence or a pilotage certificate which they have no power to impose or which are unreasonable; or

(d) without reasonable cause refused or failed to renew a pilotage certificate, or, having obtained possession of any such certificate, refused or failed to return it; or

(e) without reasonable cause suspended or revoked a pilotage certificate; or

(f) in any other manner failed properly to perform their duties under this Act with respect to the matters above-mentioned in this section, or improperly exercised any of their powers under this Act with respect to those matters;

the Board of Trade shall consider the complaint, and, if they are of opinion that the complaint is in any respect well founded, shall make such order as they think fit for the purpose of redressing the matter complained of, and the pilotage authority shall give effect to any order so made by the Board of Trade.

(2) If a pilotage authority refuse or fail to give effect to any such order of the Board of Trade, the Board of Trade may, for the purpose of giving effect to the order, exercise any powers of the pilotage authority, and anything done by the Board of Trade in the exercise of those powers shall have the same effect as if it had been done by the pilotage authority.