Delivery of lunatic soldier on discharge with his wife or child at workhouse or of dangerous lunatic at asylum.
158.—(1) The Minister, or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, may if he think proper, on account of a soldier's lunacy, cause such soldier of the Forces, on his discharge, and his wife and child, or any of them, to be sent to the Parish or Union to which under the Statutes for the time being in force, he appears from the statements made in his attestation paper and other available information to be chargeable; and such soldier, wife, or child, if delivered after reasonable notice at the Workhouse in which persons settled in such Parish or Union are received, shall be received by the Master or other proper officer of such Workhouse, or such Inspector of poor, as the case may be.
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(2) Provided that the Minister, or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, where it appears to him that any such soldier is a dangerous lunatic, and is in such a state of health as not to be liable to suffer bodily or mental injury by his removal, may by orders signified under his hand, send such lunatic direct to an Asylum, registered hospital, licensed house, or other place in which pauper lunatics can legally be confined, and for the purpose of the said order, the above-mentioned Parish or Union shall be deemed to be the Parish or Union from which such lunatic is sent.
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(3) In the case of any such lunatic, who is liable to be delivered at a Workhouse, at which persons settled in the said Union are received, the Minister or any officer deputed by him for the purpose may, by order under his hand, send such lunatic to the Asylum of the district in which such Union is situate, and such order shall be of the same effect as a warrant under the hands and seals of two Justices given under the provisions of the tenth Section of the Statute passed by the Parliament of the late United Kingdom 30 and 31 Vic., cap. 118, intituled “An Act to provide for the appointment of the Officers and Servants of District Lunatic Asylums in Ireland, and to alter and amend the law relating to the custody of dangerous lunatics and dangerous idiots in Ireland.”