Statements and accounts to be laid before the Oireachtas.
6.—The Minister for Industry and Commerce shall, as soon as may be after the expiration of each three months of the twelve months during which guarantees may be given or loans may be granted under this Act, lay before each House of the Oireachtas a statement of the guarantees given and the loans granted under this Act during those three months together with particulars of the purposes to which the loans so guaranteed or granted were to be applied, and of the terms and conditions on which such loans were guaranteed or granted, and the said Minister shall also, so long as any such guarantee continues in force or any such loan or any part of any such loan remains outstanding, lay before each House of the Oireachtas within one month after the 31st day of March in every year an account up to that date of the total sums (if any) which have been issued out of the Central Fund under this Act and of the total sums (if any) which have been paid into the Exchequer in repayment of sums so issued.