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Be it remembered that on the_________________day of _____________, in the year of our Lord_________________, A. B., of______________(labourer), C. D., of________________(grocer), and E. F., of_______________(butcher), personally came before me the undersigned, a District Justice in Saorstát Eireann (or a Justice of the District Court of Saorstát Eireann or a Peace Commissioner) for the District of______________, and severally acknowledged themselves to owe to Saorstát Eireann the several sums following, that is to say, the said A. B. the sum of ___________, and the said C. D. and E. F. the sum of ______________ each, to be made and levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of the Minister for Finance of Saorstát Eireann, if he the said A. B. fail in the condition endorsed. Taken and acknowledged the day and year first above mentioned, at___________before me,________________
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The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that whereas the said A. B. was this day charged before me, the Justice or Peace Commissioner within mentioned for that (etc., as in the warrant); if, therefore, the said A. B. will appear at the next sitting of the District Court (or of the Circuit Court, or of the High Court or of the Central Criminal Court, as the case may be) to be holden in and for the District (or as the case may be) and there surrender himself into the custody of the keeper of the (common gaol) there, and plead to such charge or indictment as may be preferred against him, and take his trial upon the same, and not depart the said Court without leave, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue.