Dairy Produce Act, 1924


Plant and Machinery in Registered Creameries and Cream-separating Stations.

1.—A high or low pressure boiler to generate steam for—

(a) heating sufficiently the milk received at the premises so as to ensure the proper separation of the cream, if cream is separated from the milk at the premises, and

(b) heating sufficiently the water required for cleansing purposes.

2.—A cooler for cooling the cream separated from milk at the premises capable of reducing the temperature of the cream as delivered from the cream separator to a temperature not exceeding by more than four degrees Fahrenheit the temperature at which the water used for cooling the cream is when it enters the cooler.

3.—The under-mentioned machinery, all of which shall be driven by mechanical power—

* (a) A heater to heat the milk from which cream is to be separated at the premises to a temperature sufficient to secure the proper separation of the cream.

* (b) A centrifugal separator to separate cream from the milk supplied to the premises.

† (c) A churn and a butter-worker, or a combined churn and butter-worker for the manufacture of the butter made at the premises.

4.—The undermentioned requisites—

(a) Such appliances, apparatus, and chemicals as are necessary for determining the percentage of water in the butter manufactured upon and sent out from the premises.

(b) Such appliances, apparatus, and chemicals as are necessary for determining the percentage of fat in the cream and milk dealt with upon the premises.

* Not applicable in the case of creameries to which milk is not supplied.

† Not applicable in the case of cream-separating stations.