Local Government Act, 1925



Abolition of rural district councils.

3.—(1) On and after the appointed day all rural district councils shall cease to exist, and upon the appointed day the powers and duties (subject to the provisions of this Act), and the property, debts, and liabilities of the council of every rural district within a county, shall be transferred to the council of such county, and the council of such county shall be the successors of the council of such rural district.

(2) Any debt or liability of a rural district council which is transferred to the council of a county by this section shall be paid or defrayed by means of the same rate by means of which such debt or liability would have been discharged before the passing of this Act, and the area of charge for the expenses of discharging such debt or liability shall be determined in accordance with the rules set out in the First Schedule to this Act.

(3) If any debt or liability (whether existing on or arising after the appointed day) transferred by this section to the council of a county relates to or is connected with any property transferred by this section to that council, such debt or liability shall so far as possible be paid or defrayed out of any profit or revenue received out of such property.