Juries (Dublin) Act, 1926
Qualification and liability of jurors. |
3.—(1) Every person who is for the time being qualified and liable to serve as a special juror in the city of Dublin and every person who is for the time being qualified and liable to serve as a special juror in the county of Dublin and whose address as stated in the special jurors book for the county of Dublin is situate in one of the urban districts specified in the Schedule to this Act shall be qualified and liable to be summoned and returned on any panel of special jurors returned under this Act and to serve on any jury called from the jurors named in such panel· | |
(2) Every person who is for the time being qualified and liable to serve as a common juror in the city of Dublin and every person who is for the time being qualified and liable to serve as a common juror in the county of Dublin and whose address as stated in the general jurors book for the county of Dublin is situate in one of the urban districts specified in the Schedule to this Act shall be qualified and liable to be summoned and returned on any panel of common jurors returned under this Act and to serve on any jury called from the jurors named in such panel. | ||
(3) Every issue, whether civil or criminal, which is triable with a jury by a Judge of the High Court or of the Circuit Court sitting in the City of Dublin or the County of Dublin and every issue triable with a jury by the Central Criminal Court sitting in the said city or county shall be triable by such Judge or Court with a jury called from a panel of special jurors or a panel of common jurors (as the case may require) returned under this Act and, notwithstanding any enactment or any court order (whether made before or after the passing of this Act) to the contrary, no such issue shall be triable by any such Judge sitting as aforesaid or by such Court sitting as aforesaid with any other jury. | ||
(4) Upon the trial, with a jury called from a panel of jurors returned under this Act, of any person for a felony other than murder, treason, or treason felony the court may, if it see fit, at any time before the jury consider their verdict permit the jury to separate in the same way as the jury upon the trial of any person for misdemeanour are now permitted to separate. |