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Persons Exempted from Serving as Jurors.
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Persons Absolutely Exempted.
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The Governor-General.
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Members of the Oireachtas.
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Members of the Defence Forces of Saorstát Eireann on full pay.
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Members of the Gárda Síochána.
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Persons holding any paid judicial office in Saorstát Eireann.
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The Attorney-General of Saorstát Eireann.
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The Comptroller and Auditor-General.
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Members of the staff of the Oireachtas or either House thereof.
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All officers and servants employed in any office attached to a Court of Justice or to the Chief Justice.
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Persons holding any public office and paid out of public moneys or holding office under a local authority and paid out of local rates.
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Clergymen in Holy Orders and other persons who teach or preach in any religious congregation and do not follow any secular occupation.
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Persons in the employment of the Commissioners of Irish Lights.
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Barristers-at-law actually practising as such.
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Solicitors actually practising as such, including solicitors employed at a salary or otherwise to render services as solicitors exclusively to their employers.
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Persons actually employed as clerks on work of a legal character by solicitors who are themselves exempted or entitled to be exempted as such solicitors.
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Persons who cannot read or write and persons who from lunacy, imbecility of mind, deafness, blindness or other permanent infirmity are unfit to serve as jurors.
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Persons Exempted but Entitled to Serve on Appllication.
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Peace Commissioners.
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Registered medical practitioners actually practising as such, including registered medical practitioners employed at a salary or otherwise to render medical services exclusively to their employers or to any particular class of persons.
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Veterinary surgeons actually practising as such.
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Registered dentists actually practising as such.
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Pharmaceutical chemists duly registered actually practising as such.
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Persons actually employed as professors, schoolmasters or teachers in any university, college, school, or academy.
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Masters of vessels actually employed as such.
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Duly licensed pilots.
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Persons engaged in wholetime employment on the staff of any daily or weekly newspaper as editor (whether chief, subordinate, or special), literary manager, writer of articles, reporter, or artist.
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Corporate Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland engaged in the active practice of their profession.