Requisition for panel of jurors for High Court.
36.—(1) Not less than twenty days before the commencement of every sittings of the High Court during which jurors will be required to be in attendance in that Court the Master of the High Court shall send to the empanelling officer or empanelling officers hereinafter mentioned a written requisition in the prescribed form requiring such empanelling officer or empanelling officers to prepare and return to him a panel of such number of jurors as shall be specified in such requisition to attend in the High Court during such sittings.
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(2) The number of jurors to be specified in such requisition shall be such number of jurors as shall in the opinion of the Master of the High Court be reasonably sufficient having regard to all probable contingencies for the trial of all such issues as will require to be tried in the High Court with a jury during the sittings to which the requisition relates.
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(3) A requisition under this section shall be sent (as the case may require) to the empanelling officer or in duplicate to the respective empanelling officers for the jury district or jury districts from which the jurors for the panel the subject of such requisition are required by this Act to be drawn.
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(4) An empanelling officer or the several empanelling officers to whom a requisition is sent under this section shall upon receipt thereof prepare in accordance with the terms of such requisition and the provisions of this Act a panel of jurors and shall, not less than ten days before the commencement of the sittings to which the requisition relates, send such panel to the Master of the High Court.
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(5) This section shall apply to every sitting of the Chief Justice or any of his officers for the trial of an issue with a jury, but for the purposes of such application every mention of the Master of the High Court in this section shall be construed and have effect as a mention of the Registrar to the Chief Justice.