Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928


First Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Talmhaíochta (the Department of Agriculture).

The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (except the business and functions relating to fisheries and technical instruction and except particular services expressly assigned by the Principal Act to the Department of Education).

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries except so far as concerned with the Ordnance Survey.

The Royal Veterinary College of Ireland.

Farm Institutes of or controlled by Government.

The Royal Botanic Gardens.

Second Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh (the Department of Lands and Fisheries).

The Irish Land Commission (including the late Congested Districts Board for Ireland).

The Public Trustee in Ireland.

The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland—Fisheries Branch.

The Conservators of Fisheries.