Increase of statutory limits for inland telegraph rates.
1.—(1) The charges to be fixed under section 2 of the Telegraph Act, 1885, for the transmission of ordinary written telegrams throughout Saorstát Eireann shall uniformly and without regard to distance be at a rate not exceeding one shilling and sixpence for the first twelve words of each ordinary written telegram or for each ordinary written telegram of less than twelve words (counting as part of such twelve words the names and addresses of the sender and addressee of the telegram) and not exceeding one penny for each additional word over twelve words, but the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs may, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, direct that an additional sum of sixpence shall be charged in respect of telegrams handed in for transmission on Christmas Day, Good Friday, or Sunday.
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(3) Paragraph (1) of the proviso to section 2 of the Telegraph Act, 1885, and sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Post Office and Telegraph Act, 1920, are hereby repealed.