Housing Act, 1929
Local Authority to remit portion of rates. |
7.—(1) Each local authority having power to levy rates shall, in every of the first nineteen local financial years after the valuation for rating purposes of a house in respect of the erection of which a grant shall have been made by the Minister under this Act to a person or public utility society, remit a portion of the rates leviable in respect of that house in that year by the local authority. | |
(2) The amount of the rate leviable in any such year as afore said which shall be remitted by a local authority under the fore going sub-section shall be the proportion of such rate specified in the second column of the Second Schedule to this Act opposite the number of such year in the first column of the said Second Schedule. | ||
(3) The provisions of section 12 of the Local Government Act, 1927 (No. 3 of 1927) shall not have effect in the case of any house in respect of which a grant is made by the Minister under this Act. |