S.I. No. 3/1930 - The Statistics (Census of Production) (Forms) Order, 1930.




WHEREAS it is provided by Clause 1 of the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929, dated the 31st July, 1929, that statistics shall be collected in the year 1930, in respect of the period commencing 1st day of January, 1929, and ending 31st day of December, 1929, of the following subject-matter, nature and character, that is to say, with respect to the industries, trades and businesses set out in the First Part of the Schedule to the said Order, the information, returns and particulars set out in the Second Part of the said Schedule, in so far as the same shall be required in respect of each of the said industries, trades and businesses by forms to be subsequently prescribed ; and it is further provided by Clause 3 of the said Order that the Statistics shall be collected by means of prescribed forms.

Now, I, PATRICK McGILLIGAN, the Minister for Industry and Commerce, in pursuance of the powers conferred in me by sub-section (1) of Section 16 of the Statistics Act, 1926 , and all other powers enabling me in that behalf, do hereby order :—

1. The information, returns and particulars required under the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929, in respect of each of the industries, trades and businesses mentioned in the Schedule (a) hereto shall be such information, returns and particulars as are specified in the Form (a) contained in the said Schedule applicable to each of the said industries, trades and businesses.

2. The information, returns and particulars required under the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929, in respect of each of the following industries, trades and businesses, that is to say, Articles of Horn or Ivory ; Artificial Flowers ; Basket and Wicker Work ; Brooms and Brushes ; Condensed Milk ; Games, Toys and Sports Requisites ; Ice ; Matches ; Musical Instruments; Optical and Scientific Goods ; Picture Frames and Fancy Goods ; Polishes and Abrasives ; Seed Crushing and Animal Foods ; Silk and Poplin ; Starch and Blue ; Sugar ; Tobacco Pipes, shall be such information returns and particulars as are specified in the Form (a) headed " General Return for Miscellaneous Industries " contained in the Schedule (a) hereto.

3. The Forms (a) set out in the Schedule (a) hereto shall be used for the collection of the statistics under the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929, in respect of the industries, trades and businesses mentioned in the said Schedule (a) and in Clause 2 of this Order.

4. This Order may be cited for all purposes as the Statistics (Census of Production) (Forms) Order, 1930.

Dated this 7th day of January, 1930.


Department of Industry and Commerce.

(a) The Schedule consists of a complete set of the forms which are used in collecting the statistics required by this Order. These forms are issued gratis to the persons engaged in the industries, trades and businesses concerned, and may be purchased by the public (price 2d. each) on application to the Director of Statistics, Department of Industry and Commerce, Lower Castle Yard (South), Dublin.

The following are the industries, trades and businesses mentioned in the forms :—

Form No.

Industry, Trade or Business.

C.P.I. 1

General Return for Miscellaneous Industries.

C.P.I. 2

Grain Milling Industry.

C.P.I. 3

Bread, Biscuit and Flour Confectionery Industry.

C.P.I. 4

Creameries Industry.

C.P.I. 5

Butter Factories and Margarine Industry.

C.P.I. 6

Bacon Curing and Sausage Industry.

C.P.I. 7

Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar Confectionery and Jam Industries.

C.P.I. 8

Fish Curing Industry.

C.P.I. 9

Aerated Waters, Cider, Cordials and Cognate Liquors Industries.

C.P.I. 10

Brewing and Malting Industry.

C.P.I. 11

Distilling Industry.

C.P.I. 12

Tobacco Industry.

C.P.I. 13

Woollen and Worsted (Excluding Clothing Trade) Industry.

C.P.I. 14

Linen, Cotton, Hemp and Jute Industry.

C.P.I. 15

Canvas Goods and Sack Industry.

C.P.I. 16

Fellmongery and Leather Industry.

C.P.I. 17

Hosiery Industry.

C.P.I. 18A

Clothing Industry (Wholesale Factories)—Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits, Overcoats and Caps.

C.P.I. 18B

Clothing Industry (Wholesale Factories)—Shirtmaking.

C.P.I. 18C

Clothing Industry (Wholesale Factories)—Miscellaneous Articles of Apparel.

C.P.I. 19

Boot and Shoe (Wholesale Factories) Industry.

C.P.I. 20

Laundry, Dyeing and Cleaning Trades.

C.P.I. 21

Timber Industry.

C.P.I. 22

Wood Furniture and Upholstery Industry.

C.P.I. 23

Metal Trades (Excluding Engineering).

C.P.I. 24

Engineering and Implements Trades.

C.P.I. 25

Coach and Wagon Building, Blacksmiths' and Farriers', and Construction of Motor Vehicles and Cycles Industries.

C.P.I. 26

Chemical, Drug, Oil, Tallow and Paint Industry.

C.P.I. 27

Fertiliser Industry.

C.P.I. 28

Soap and Candle Industly.

C.P.I. 29

Paper-making and Manufactured Stationery Industry.

C.P.I. 30

Printing, Publishing, Bookbinding and Engraving Industries.

C.P.I. 31

Bricks, Pottery, Glass and Monumental Masonry Industries.

C.P.I. 32

Building and Contracting Trades.

C.P.I. 33

Mining and Quarrying Industries.

C.P.I. 34

Gas Works Undertakings.

C.P.I. 35

Waterworks Undertakings.

C.P.I. 36

Electricity Undertakings.

C.P.I. 37

Railways and Tramways.

C.P.I. 38

Ship and Boat Building, Canals, Docks and Harbours.

C.P.I. 39

Local Authorities.