Additional powers as to crossings and works.
25.—(1) The Commissioners may, subject to the consent of the Minister and of the Corporation and to the provisions of this Act, from time to time convert a single line into a double or interlacing line or vice versa and make all such crossings passing places sidings junctions and other works including turning loops and triangles at the termini in addition to those particularly specified in the deposited plans and sections and authorised by this Act, as may from time to time be necessary or convenient for the efficient working of the Tramways or any of them or for providing access to any carriage houses power house warehouses or works of the Commissioners or of any company body or person using premises adjoining the said Tramways Provided that the powers conferred by this sub-section shall not be exercised in respect of any part of Tramway No. 1 which is laid along any street.