Commissioners For Oaths (Diplomatic and Consular) Act, 1931


4.—(1) Every person who wilfully and corruptly swears falsely in any oath or affidavit taken or made in accordance with this Act shall be guilty of the offence of perjury in every case where if he had so sworn in a judicial proceeding before a court of competent jurisdiction he would be guilty of the offence of perjury.

(2) A person charged with the offence of perjury under this section may be proceeded against, indicted, tried, and punished in any county or county borough in which he was apprehended or is in custody as if such offence had been committed in such county or county borough, and for all purposes incidental to or consequential on the prosecution, trial, or punishment of such offence, it shall be deemed to have been committed in such county or county borough.