The Dublin General Cemetery Company's Act, 1933
Power to stop up roads, lanes or paths. |
7.—The Company may stop up all roads, lanes or paths within the limits of the lands by this Act authorised to be acquired and may extinguish all rights of way in or over any such roads, lanes or paths and may appropriate the soil and site thereof to the purposes of the Company: Provided that this section shall not authorise the Company to stop up the footpath referred to in the deposited plan and book of reference or to extinguish or interfere with the public right of way in or over the said footpath and provided also that nothing in this Act contained shall interfere with or alter the rights of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of Dublin with respect to the watercourse mentioned in the Schedule to this Act or alter or affect anything contained in the Acts relating to the waterworks of the said Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of Dublin. |