Registration of perpetual funds.
4.—(1) The trustees of a perpetual fund may at any time apply to the registrar in the prescribed form and manner for the registration of such fund in the register.
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(2) Whenever the trustees of a perpetual fund apply under this section for the registration of such fund, they shall, at the time of making such application, furnish to the registrar the prescribed particulars and the prescribed documents, which shall include two copies of the rules of such fund.
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(3) Upon receipt of an application under this section for the registration of a perpetual fund the registrar shall, if he is satisfied that such fund is a perpetual fund as defined by this Act, register such fund in the register in accordance with this Act.
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(4) Whenever the registrar registers a perpetual fund in pursuance of this section he shall issue to the trustees of such fund a certificate stating the fact and date of such registration.
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(5) Whenever the registrar registers a perpetual fund in pursuance of this section he shall retain and file a copy of the rules of such fund and shall annex another copy of such rules to his certificate given in pursuance of the next preceding sub-section of this section.
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(6) Every perpetual fund which is registered in the register shall be known and is in this Act referred to as a registered perpetual fund.