Power to make railway.
4.—Subject to the provisions of this Act the Company may within the Borough, lay down, make and maintain in the lines and according to the levels shown on the deposited Plans and Sections the railway and railway lines hereinafter described with all proper sidings, junctions, rails, plates, works and conveniences connected therewith and may use such of the lands as are delineated on the said Plans and described in the deposited Book of Reference as may be required for those purposes (that is to say)—
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A railway, 207 of a mile in length, being a branch railway or siding, commencing at a junction with the existing railway line of the Great Southern Railways Company (hereinafter called “the Railway Company”) on Albert Quay in the City of Cork at a point 108 feet westward of the junction of Victoria Road and Albert Quay and running as a single line in an easterly direction along Albert Quay to Victoria Road and thence in a south-easterly direction along Victoria Road to a point 130 feet from the junction of Victoria Road and Albert Quay aforesaid and there entering the Company's Mill premises in Victoria Road, becoming a double line within the said premises and extending as a double line across Furlong Street into the Company's stores on the east side of Furlong Street and terminating within the said store premises at a point 200 feet east of Furlong Street.