Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep (Amendment) Act, 1935


Consequential amendments of Part IX of the Principal Act.

Section or Sub-section Amended

Nature of Amendment

Sub-section (1) of Section 44 .

Delete the words “free of charge.”

Sub-section (1) of Section 45 .

(a) Delete the word “free” where it first occurs;

(b) in paragraph (b), delete the words “free of charge.”

Sub-section (3) of Section 46 .

At the end of paragraph (c), add the words “and the price to be paid therefor by the recipient.”

Sub-section (1) of Section 47 .

(a) Delete the words “to receive”;

(b) immediately before the words “the quantity of beef,” insert the words “to purchase at the prescribed rate per pound.”

Sub-section (1) of Section 50 .

Delete the word “obtained” and substitute the word “purchase.”

Sub-section (3) of Section 50 .

(a) Delete the word “obtaining” and substitute the word “purchasing.”

(b) delete the words “supplying or receiving” and substitute the words “selling or purchasing.”

Section 53 .

In paragraph (b), after the words “other than,” insert the words “the price payable by the recipient and.”